January 22, 2025

Makeup i urok blog poniedziałek ankiety, obj. 667

To brighten your Monday! ?

Więc … jaka jest poniedziałkowa ankieta?

Doskonałe pytanie! Nie jest, w przeciwieństwie do swojej nazwy, rzeczywistą ankietę, jak z małymi przyciskami klikalników. To tylko lista pięciu znacznie mniej lub bardziej przypadkowych pytań, które publikowałem na tym blogu w każdy poniedziałek rano na lata czworokrotnie (od 2007). Uwielbiam czytać swoje odpowiedzi, a to pomaga mi wyjść na dobry początek. ?

1. Can you dance?

I want to say “YES!” because, you know…I just want to. I used to take dance classes back in the day, and when I was in my 20s and early 30s, you would have found me dancing until the wee hours every weekend. Now, though? DZIEWCZYNA! My dance skills are questionable. I mean, I can still stay on the beat, but it’s not like I’m doing anything cool while I’m moving. My arms swing, my feet shuffle, but that’s about it.

Soooo, I guess my answer is “yes, kinda. but mostly no.” Hahaha!


2. tote bag or backpack?

Backpack, because my hands need to be free!

3. would you rather go running or swimming?

Swimming, ideally in a heated pool or a tropical sea, because I do not relish cold bodies of water.

4. Worst haircut you ever grew out?

There’ve been so many, but the one for the infamous Razor event of 1999 was the worst! A stylist at a bougie SF beauty salon hacked away at my hair with a razor like she was cutting a path through the Amazon jungle with a machete.


Bluza kotów i makijażu ??

42 USD

Kupuj teraz

To był bałagan. The top part of my head puffed out, and the bottom half was very flat. I ended up with a mullet that took me two years to grow out.

As you can see…I never gotten over the trauma.

5. one of your favorite spring flowers?

All of them, but I particularly love freesia because they’re so dainty and fragrant. note to self: plant some freesia bulbs this year.

6. fringe or feathers?

Grzywka. Dlaczego nie?

7. What was your highest maintenance hairstyle?

It was in middle school in the late ’80s. I had this whole “hair bear” situation happening, and the prep work for it was INTENSE. Every morning, I curled my bangs, then cemented them into place with layer upon layer of hairspray.

To było wielkie! I swear, a strong breeze would have carried me away. It took about 30 minutes every day to do. All the girls did something similar, though. I remember what a big deal it was to go to school without your bangs, LOL! Taki głupi. I should’ve just taken that time to sleep in.

8. how are your cat eyeliner skills these days?

100% adequate!

9. and how about your cat (as in the animal) assisting skills?

Totally on point, because I get a lot of practice assisting all of the neighborhood cats.

Twój przyjazny urok dzielnicy uzależniony,



Str.s. Oto pytania do kopiowania / wklejania z odpowiedziami w komentarzu. Wkrótce porozmawiaj z tobą.

1. Can you dance?
2. tote bag or backpack?
3. would you rather go running or swimming?
4. Worst haircut you ever grew out?
5. one of your favorite spring flowers?
6. fringe or feathers?
7. What was your highest maintenance hairstyle?
8. how are your cat eyeliner skills these days?
9. and how about your cat (as in the animal) assisting skills?

P.P.S. Witaj mój przyjacielu. wishing you a cheerful and productive Monday. You’re strong, and you’ve got this. If you ever need a buddy to lean on, I’m here. ?

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