January 17, 2025

Niedziele z kartami kotem, makijażami, a także maskotką blogów kosmetycznych, obj. 339

Dear Tabby is written by Tabs the cat, commonly thought about “the world’s very first plus-size kitty supermodel.” established in mid 2012, it has quickly ended up being the most prominent feline advice column on earth — understood for its fresh, feline point of view on lifestyle, fashion as well as style problems affecting cats as well as humans.

A kitty who wishes to be her own cat

DEAR TABBY: My buddies are driving me bonkers.

Especially my finest friend. She’s a fluffy, long-haired Persian, as well as rather the diva — you know, all about going to get her fur groomed, as well as getting mani-pedis, as well as all of that high-maintenance kitty stuff.


Which is fine — however I’m more of an au naturel kitty girl. I’m just not the type of feline to wear a tiara on a Tuesday to eat her crunchies, if you understand what I’m saying.

Well, um, this buddy of mine keeps insisting that I go along with her to the grooming salon, telling me that I requirement to get my claws filed as well as get some tinted claw covers, since they’ll “change my life.” (She has bright pink ones.)

But Tabby, I don’t want to do that. I rather like my natural nails and, you know, I don’t requirement a elegant lion cut or anything like that.


Bluza kotów i makijażu ??

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How can I tell her that I don’t want to go to the salon? We’ve been finest buddies for a truly long time, as well as I don’t want to hurt her feelings.


Po prostu bądź sobą

DEAR PATCHES: You know, we’re lucky. We online in a time when cats can reveal themselves in a myriad of ways, be it with blogs or YouTube or accessories or garments or different fur styles as well as grooming.

Ja? I like to do my own grooming since I’m extremely specific about it, as well as I like my claws natural. In your case, the next time your buddy insists that you go with her to the grooming salon, I suggest you take her aside, gently, as well as be directly with her. Don’t comprise any type of excuses; don’t state that you have to go as well as volunteer at the ASPCA or anything like that. Be upfront with her, however do it gently. just tell her, “I like exactly how you do your diva thang, as well as it totally fits you, however it’s not truly my style.”

And if she doesn’t believe you, or if she still insists, tell her that you don’t want to take the spotlight away from her. trust me, that will work. It takes one (a diva) to understand one.

Cat seeks fashion advice

DEAR TABBY: I see that you wear feline eye glasses sometimes. Well, I’ve just recently been told by my optometrist/veterinarian that I requirement to procure a pair of glasses since I’ve been diagnosed as near-sighted.

On the one paw, I’m looking ahead to seeing the fantastic outdoors once again in crisp high-definition, as well as I do believe that this will likewise assist me catch more mice, however I’m torn over style. I can’t figure out what type of frames to get.

I’m lured to get a feline eye shape because, well, I’m a cat, as well as many cats pull off that look well, however I’m afraid they may look a bit hipster. Co powinienem zrobić?


It’s all about the accessories

DEAR DIAMOND: When it comes to eyewear, I believe it’s trial as well as error, as well as if you’re feelin’ the feline eyes, so what if they’re cliché? You do you, boo.

With that said, may I offer one tip? go with a color that complements your fur.

Couching a delicate subject

DEAR TABBY: What’s that old saying? — “A cat’s home is her castle?”

Well, mine is no longer a castle. It’s a prison with a huge, hideous brown twill couch.

Yes, my assistants bought a new piece of furniture.

It’s not my taste at all, however that’s not the issue. The problem is that they won’t enable me anywhere near it, whereas my previous couch — it was my playground! They let me jump on it, sleep on it as well as claw the living daylights out of it.

But this one, they won’t even let me get within paw distance.

I want to dominate this couch, Tabby. Co powinienem zrobić?

Thoughtfully yours,
Lody z owocami i śmietaną

Show them who’s boss

DEAR SUNDAE: Oh! I totally comprehend the requirement to assert one’s dominance, especially over furniture. I do this all the time — sometimes outwardly, like by jumping upon the chair that was previously deemed “mom’s chair,” as well as other times more subtly, like by brushing up against it with my haunches or my tail.

I suggest you begin slowly with your campaign. think about a trial drive-by. clean a cheek against one of the sofa’s legs, as well as develop up from there. You should ultimately be able to at least pounce on the pillows without anybody yelling at you.

Time for a appropriate introduction

DEAR TABBY: I just moved into a new neighborhood, as well as I spend most of my time indoors, however sometimes my parents let me go outside.

To jestWiele zabawy, jednak czasami też sprawia, że ​​czuję się trochę samotny, ponieważ wszystkie wspólnotowe koty grają razem. Widziałem ich, jednak nigdy nie zapraszają mnie do spędzania czasu.

Widzę, że chodzą, patrząc na siebie, a także unosząc się wokół tego samego stawu (ma złote rybki), ale nikt nigdy nie zaprasza mnie do znalezienia.

Jak mogę złamać lód?

Z poważaniem,

Trochę Catnipa idzie daleko

Drogi Fiddles: Nigdy nie jest proste, aby nowe kumple w miejscu, w którym nikogo nie rozumiesz. Zaufaj mi, byłem tam.

Wierzę w tę sytuację, musisz tylko pokazać, kim jesteś – rodzaj, słodki, delikatny kotek. Być może przejść do stawu następnym razem, gdy zobaczysz, jak się zgromadzili, a także przedstawić się.


Nie musisz pozostać na długo. Po prostu state Hello, wspomnij, że jesteś online w domu po drodze, jak również być może zaprosić ich na Catnipa.

Bądź cierpliwy. Nie wystąpi noc, jednak wkrótce będziesz miał kumple do zabawy w sąsiedztwie.

Dużo miłości, zawsze,

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